Honey is healthier than table sugars. The goodness of honey has been known and used in food and as medicine for at least 4000 years. In pre-Ancient Egyptian times, honey was used topically to treat wounds. The ancient Greeks knew that consuming honey could help make you live longer. Even the Prophet Mohammed glorified the healing powers of honey. The Quran also praises honey's healing ability. The beneficial properties of honey have been explored in modern times Honey has been used to cure infertility in men and women. Honey cures arthritis pain, cholesterol, hair fall and gastric problems. It also clears stomach ulcers and helps digest the heaviest meals. The most common use of honey is to cure cold and sore throat.
Honey contains floral flavonoids. When it is ingested, they immediately increase the antioxidant levels within the cells of the body and decrease the capillary permeability and fragility. Honey has also shown anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties preventing the risks of cancer in humans. Research by students at the Xavier University in New Orleans showed that honey acts as a vaccine for those who are allergic to pollen grains. Honey contains the same kind of pollen grains that cause this allergy. By consuming honey, we make the body accustomed to these pollen grains. The Guardian reported that honey even 'beats cough medicine' at alleviating and reducing the frequency of cough.
Honey helps build stamina in athletes. When athletes take honey drinks before and after important athletic events, it replaces all the carbohydrates and minerals spent during the workout or in extreme conditions. While we are going through workouts, our body sweats and we lose minerals. Honey contains a good amount of all the important minerals and replaces them in the body. It is like an energy drink for the sportsmen and athletes and helps them in muscle building.
Honey is a natural sweetener that contains 22 amino acids including a variety of minerals, which are important for metabolism and therefore helpful in preventing obesity. Lemon juice with a little honey early morning is believed to be the effective anti-cellulite treatment. This is an effective remedy to speed up shedding pounds from your body.
Honey is widely used in many types of cosmetics like lip balm, face creams and shower gels. The reason behind this is because honey does not spoil due to its high sugar content. It has 50% more density than water. The osmotic property of honey attributes to its anti-bacterial property. Honey is a thick liquid that acts as a perfect skin and hair conditioner. It brings smoothness to the skin and hair. Hence, is used in cosmetics and shampoos.
Vitamins and minerals in Honey: The most important elements in honey are calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, iron, manganese, copper. The main vitamins found in honey are: A1, B1, B6, B12, C, D, E, folic acid.
For thousands of years, ginger has been used for the treatment of innumerable ailments due to its powerful therapeutic and preventive effects. It helps to decrease inflammation, swelling and pain. All these properties make ginger a powerhouse of health benefits. Here are few of them.
Ginger is a great agent for reducing cholesterol as it as it helps remove the blockages in the flow of blood vessels which could lead to heart attacks. Ginger acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure in people instantly.
A study shows that people who consume ginger juice have less pain and other inflammatory diseases as it contains antioxidants which help to increase the flow of fresh blood by removing harmful impurities in the body. Ginger helps cure arthritis as it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce swelling and inflammation in people suffering from thyroid or arthritis.
Ginger acts excellently for preventing cancer and also killing the cancer causing cells. In a study, it was found that ginger slows down the growth of breast cancer cells.
Ginger helps prevent all kinds of aches such as tooth ache and it also helps cure migraines that are becoming more common each passing day. Ginger does not allow blood vessels to get inflamed and thus it helps increase the flow of blood to the body and cures the pain.
Ginger can treat sensations of nausea following surgery, and due to motion sickness, seasickness, etc. It is also beneficial for nausea as a result of adverse effect of chemotherapy. It also reduces menstrual pain in women.
Ginger acts as an active agent for digestion. Ginger juice helps relive from various digestive issues. It speeds up the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestines. By consuming ginger, one can be less prone to getting stomach pains or any other digestive problems. It clears the stomach of all impurities thereby helping the people who suffer from motion sickness.
Ginger is one of the oldest cures for cold, nausea and flu as it has anti-viral and anti fungal properties. It cures cold and provides instant relief and also kills the bacteria that causes cold and ensures that it doesn't return. Ginger also protects your stomach against ulcers by promoting mucus secretion.
If you want to have long and shiny hair, you should consume ginger juice regularly. It also helps to reduce dandruff and speeds up hair growth.
Ginger helps reduce acne or pimples and it also prevents occurrence of acne in the future as it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Ginger has great anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties and it improves your skin from inside. It helps your body fight the free radicals and cleans out the toxins from your system. Not only this, it also improves the skin tone and helps in getting rid of blemishes and spot.
Garlic protects our heart against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and atherosclerosis. This cardio-protective property can be attributed to various factors. With age, the arteries tend to lose their ability to stretch. Garlic helps reduce this and also protect the heart from the damaging effects of free oxygen radicals. Garlic also prevents our blood vessels from becoming blocked and slows the hardening of the arteries. Garlic has the ability to moderately lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol and reduce arterial plaque formation.
A research showed that twelve weeks of treatment with garlic led to a ‘significant’ cut in blood pressure, slashing the risk of a heart attack or stroke, according to a review of evidence.
Garlic is most well-known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. They help control bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast and worm infections. Fresh garlic is thought to play a role in preventing food poisoning by killing bacteria. Garlic strengthens the immune system as well as helps to fight chest infections, coughs and congestion. In winter, garlic is a great food to boost your immune system and ward off colds and flu.
Daily use of garlic reduces the frequency and number of colds. Its antibacterial properties help in treating throat irritations. Garlic also reduces the severity of upper respiratory tract infections. Its benefits in disorders of the lungs like asthma, difficulty of breathing, etc. make it a priceless medicine.
Garlic contains high levels of iodine which makes it a very effective treatment for hyperthyroid conditions. Treatment with garlic has been shown to greatly improve this condition.
Daily intake of garlic has been found to lower risk of most types of cancer. Several studies from around the world have found that people who eat more garlic seem to have a lower risk of certain types of cancer. In particular, large human studies that looked at diet and cancer have suggested that people who eat more garlic have a lower risk of stomach, prostate, mouth and throat, kidney, and colorectal cancer. The effect on risk of breast, bladder, ovarian, and lung cancers is less clear. This anti-cancer property is due to a substance found in garlic which inhibits cancer making cells.
Garlic regulates blood sugar as it enhances the level of insulin in the blood. This may assist in the control of diabetes. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in diabetics, who have two to four times the risk of death from heart disease as other people. In fact, heart disease accounts for 80 percent of all diabetes-related deaths. But the good news is that a simple kitchen staple, garlic, has significant potential for preventing cardiomyopathy, a common form of heart disease among diabetics.
Did you know the Ancient Egyptians believed that eating lemons and drinking lemon juice was an effective protection against a variety of poisons, and that recent research has confirmed this belief? There are many health benefits of lemons that have been known for centuries. The two biggest are lemons’ strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers and their use as a weight loss aid because lemon juice is a digestive aid and liver cleanser. Lemons contain many substances--notably citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoid, pectin, and limonene--that promote immunity and fight infection. These are well-known health facts about lemons.
Lemon helps to cure problems related to indigestion and constipation. Lemon also acts as a blood purifier and a cleansing agent.
Lemon can treat a person who is suffering from a cold, flu or fever. It helps to break fevers by increasing perspiration.
Lemon being a natural antiseptic medicine, also cures problems related to the skin. It acts as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. Drinking lemon brings a healthy glow to the skin, and if you thoroughly search the cosmetic market, you will find some soaps containing lemon.
Lemon is also a diuretic and can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins from the body.
Lemon assists in relieving respiratory problems and breathing problems, such as its ability to soothe a person suffering from an asthma attack. Lemon, as a rich source of vitamin C, helps in dealing with more long-term respiratory disorders.
Diseases like cholera and malaria can be treated with lemon juice, because it acts as a blood purifier.
Drinking lemon juice with water can help patients reduce gall stones for the same reasons.
Lemon is an excellent fruit that fights against problems related to throat infections, due to its well-known antibacterial properties.
Drinking lemon juice is helpful for people suffering from heart problems, because it contains potassium. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea, because it provides a calming sensation to both the mind and body. It is commonly employed to reduce mental stress and depression
Apple cider vinegar is often looked upon by natural wellness enthusiasts as a panacea for all good things. Taking a tablespoon or two of it every day cures everything from gout to allergies and more. Different from the refined vinegars usually found in supermarkets, Apple Cider Vinegar is made from organically grown apples which are matured in wooden / stainless steel barrels, which in turns boosts its natural fermentation qualities. When mature, it contains a web-like substance, called "mother" that becomes visible when the rich brownish liquid is held to the light. Here are some of the best documented and strongest health benefits of apple cider vinegar.
This cider has been used in traditionally as a weight loss agent and studies have proven that indeed, it does! In a study conducted in 2006, an obese Japanese reported a modest decrease in weight and decrease in appetite with intake of 30 ml of apple cider vinegar leading to the conclusion that it reduces obesity.
Apple cider aids the body in promoting bowel movement. This action is due to pectin, a water-soluble fiber that adds bulk to stools and therefore promotes bowel movement.
This is a proven apple cider vinegar cure. The probiotics in the vinegar help ease diarrhea and the pectins from the apples in the vinegar ease stomach cramps. Apple cider vinegar is also very helpful in reducing gas and bloating.
Apple cider vinegar lowers glucose levels, and is very helpful for diabetics. It help you feel fuller and eat less. The enzymes in apple cider vinegar also promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. Studies have reported apple cider vinegar to decrease blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes.
Despite its acidic taste, apple cider vinegar actually promotes alkalinity in the body. As Charlotte Gerson says, “cancer cannot live in an alkaline body,” and one of the primary ways the Gerson Therapy battles cancer and other diseases is by bringing the body into an alkaline state which makes it an inhospitable environment for cancer.
Apple cider vinegar is excellent for beating exhaustion. The amino acids it contains counteract the buildup of lactic acid you can get after exercising or other intense physical activity. It's also full of electrolytes that help eliminate that tired feeling. Anyone looking to maximize their health could definitely benefit from a daily dose of this amazing liquid.
Potassium, magnesium and other minerals are present in apple cider vinegar. Potassium controls the water balance in the body and maintains a healthy heart rhythm. Magnesium is a catalyst in enzyme activity, helping digestion and assisting in the uptake of calcium to form healthy bones.
Osteoarthritis is cause by acid crystal buildup in the body, and apple cider vinegar can disperse these buildups by balancing the body's pH, says Dr. Deforrest Clinton Jarvis in his book "Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health." Dr. Jarvis lists successful cases of patients recovering from osteoarthritis under his care with apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar contains beta-carotene, which according to the Mayo Clinic possesses antioxidant properties that counteract damage caused by free radicals and that boost your immune system.
Like apple juice, it probably contains some pectin; vitamins B1, B2, and B6; biotin; folic acid; niacin; and vitamin C. It also contains small amounts of the minerals sodium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium.
As with many things in nature, vinegar in its unfiltered, unadulterated and unrefined form has a variety of benefits that are lost when it is filtered and heated.
The acetic acid created in the secondary fermentation process is a component of the finished vinegar and has a host of benefits on its own. Certain medications contain acetic acid in concentrated form and studies have looked at the role of acetic acid in balancing blood sugar, blood pressure and dissolving cholesterol deposits in arteries.
More research is needed, but acetic acid in vinegar has a long history of use in alternative medicine.
The high acid content in vinegar makes it a powerful preservative for food and it is often also recommended in cleaning for this reason. In fact, historically, vinegars were added to water to make the water more drinkable.
It is important to note that vinegar has some limitations as a natural cleaner and that it is not a registered disinfectant for disinfecting uses. A hydrogen peroxide based formula is a better choice and strong natural soaps are better for degreasing.
Digestive problems and acid reflux can often be from too little stomach acid rather than too much. Apple cider vinegar is a simple and really inexpensive remedy for low stomach acid. Personally, I’ve found relief from minor heartburn by adding 1 teaspoon of vinegar to water and drinking.
ACV also has a long history of use for immune support. According to legend, thieves during the bubonic plague survived by making an herbal vinegar with herbs like rosemary, thyme and lavender.
The “mother,” which provides immune boosting properties on its own, also allows the vinegar to get stronger over time and maintain its beneficial properties.
The beneficial acids in the “mother” of apple cider vinegar are also great for hair, and this is one reason that ACV is often recommended as a hair rinse for conditioning hair and increasing shine.
Unrefined Apple Cider Vinegar is also often used in skin remedies and beauty recipes. It can be used to help sunburns, skin rashes and mosquito bites.
Unrefined apple cider vinegar, high in beneficial compounds, is also known for its ability to help keep blood sugar in check. It isn’t a wonder drug, but studies have shown that it can help lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.
Other studies have shown the benefits of ACV in helping improve cholesterol levels, and support heart health.
Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is made from the finest, delicious, healthy, organically grown apples. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is full of zesty natural goodness and contains the amazing 'mother' of vinegar which occurs naturally as connected strand-like chains of protein enzyme molecules and is highly regarded through-out history.
Certified Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized and 5% acidity. Contains the amazing Mother of Vinegar which occurs naturally as strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules.
Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is made from delicious, healthy, organically grown apples. Processed and bottled in accordance with USDA guidelines, it is Certified Organic by Organic Certifiers and Oregon Tilth; and is Kosher Certified. Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is full of zesty Apple Cider Vinegarnatural goodness. Non-GMO Certified. It’s a wholesome way to add delicious flavor to salads, veggies, most foods, and even sprinkle over popcorn
Apple Cider Vinegar has been highly regarded throughout history. In 400 B.C. the great Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing health qualities